This week, it is said that it was the result of a mechanic's spin that went horribly wrong.

It's really sad to see another fine machine biting the dust. On top of that, it wasn't event the owners mistake. If I was in his shoes, I would be utterly devastated.
We all know that a similar incident happened here in Malaysia in 2001, where a mechanic took an F40

It was so bad, the impact of the driver actually bent the steering wheels. If I'm not mistaken, he ended up in a coma.

Source Jalopnik and Nazri Pandak.
Only send to responsible mechanics.
Sadly, this one happened right outside my house when a client of mine texted me and I immediately went straight to the scene to see if this car is still "savable"..
P/S: We've exchanged a few messages on NAGTROC
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