Friday, March 26, 2010

Confusion? Or just lack of understanding...

So, I was the punching bag for a rant this morning because this tweet...

Tweeter and blogger xiangcool ( claims the Sun Newspaper today made a mistake with one of their prints. This was the picture in question.

Now, do you see a mistake?

I think it's quite clear he congratulated his wife of 27 years (not a wife that's 27 years old), no? I am curious, who else thought the paper meant his wife was 27 years of age instead?

After having several people explaining to him what it meant...

I am really intrigued with this. Was it really that confusing? Maybe we shouldn't have reverted our subjects back to Bahasa Malaysia. Maybe there should be a little more balance between the languages taught in schools. Maybe it should be a choice to the students? Interesting discussion, no? (^_^)


~ Xi@nGCooL ~ said...

Wow, I never thought a simple conversation between me and my friends became a subject topic to be blog.

Ya, perhaps my level of english is not up to standard compare to most of people.

Thanks for the reminder of my understanding level and I appreciate how this thing came on...

Leonard Foong said...

Greetings. Unfortunately, one of your friends made it a topic with me which lead to this post. I am just using it as a topic of discussion. Not once did I say your level of english is not up to standard. I do apologize if you found it directed at you. =)

hmph said...

You know what?
A person's mastery of any language isn't as much as an issue, as what I've seen occur with increasing regularity nowadays - People making mistakes linguistically, but refusing to admit so even AFTER they've been "updated" on their error by several others. It's the worst form of stubborn, unwilling to learn behaviour I've seen.
I think your post is good, in that in general this has become a common thread. People shouldn't read too much into a person's blog postings and feel personally offended :-)

Leonard Foong said...

I completely agree with you. Even I myself sometimes forget and find it difficult to swallow my pride and admit to a mistake and apologize. I guess people find it easier to put the blame on everything else but themselves. But you are absolutely right, they never seem to want to learn.

Also, with the technology today and how it affects the way we interact socially, many are using 'shortcuts' with acronyms such as 'ftw', 'noob', 'l33t', 'brb', 'gtg', 'idk','wtf' or 'lol' just to name a few. I get confused many times. Recently I've just discovered what 'fml' is. *laughs* Media's like Twitter which only allows the user a certain number of characters is certainly not helping. (^_^)

Eugene said...

Sometimes when we read too quickly, we may misread and misinterpret stuff. No shame there at all as long as we realize the mistake!

It is a good topic for discussion, and I'm sure Leo didn't mean to offend anyone :)

Leonard Foong said...

Yup yup. However, I'd stop to read it again and again if I thought something was amiss. *laughs*

Cheers! (^_^)

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