So, since it was a nice Friday afternoon, I thought I'd take some quick shots of both of them. I grabbed both keys and proceeded to start with the Red F430...
Alas, it bloody started to drizzle! What the fuck, it was so hot a couple of minutes ago. Jumped in turned the camera to video mode in time and parked her... Was so afraid it was going to pour. Dammit, it trickled a little and then stopped. Fucking random weather these days...
I guess I'll save the shots for tomorrow. I might pile the Ferrari's all together and take a group shot to make a fantastic stable of horses...
Previous posts under the F430, F430 Spider or F430 Scuderia tags.
at zaibi rite?hmmm tat day juz pass by it...haha..nice car...woo
need to earn alot of money to own it..haha...
dude, when you gonna gather the horses? I wanna be part of the epicness!
Gerald Cheong.,
Suppose to do it this morning. No time la. Maybe some other time. *laughs*
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