Initially, he thought it was a ER34 until I informed him it was actually a BNR34. I had actually put up a picture of this car in my previous entry, 'Ivan's R32' along with other BNR34's painted in similar color. Here are more pictures of that nice 'backside' along with more treats. Enjoy...
If you're wondering who this person with the 'smooth as a baby's buttocks' behind is, if I'm not mistaken, her name is Katie.

Another shot of Katie's fantastic behind. Remember to keep your mouths closed and clean up after you're done. *laughs*

Here are some pictures of the Do-Luck kitted, Baby Blue BNR34.
Pictures found on GTROC forums.
It might not be the same car, but there was a Do-Luck kitted, Baby Blue BNR34 in the first episode of Top Gear Season 7 featured briefly in their montage of the entire season, 00:19 into the clip.
Omg...... your blog getting hot now. should invite eu jin come to view it haha.
I left a link on his cbox already. *laughs*
Steaming hot!
Indeed. So nice her bottom... *laughs*
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