My turbines! They have arrived!
I had placed an order for a pair of Garrett GT2860R-707160-5 Ball Bearing Turbochargers and they are here. These are the HKS GT2530 equivalent. They're a whole lot easier to repair and service if anything goes wrong and a whole lot cheaper too.
These turbines are direct replacements for the BNR34 and I just can't wait to have them bolted on. They're not too big so I guess I get a nice compromise between power, boost threshold and response. So now it's just waiting for the Power FC D-Jetro and another little treat for the Nür before getting all of these fitted along with the 1000cc injectors I had purchased earlier then mapping and tuning.
I had originally wanted Ando san from SS Crazy to map and tune my car. However, it seems he might not be heading to Malaysia at all this year as he is busy. The big question now is where to get my car tuned...
Drooool......Big Garrett turbos.
Maybe go to Singapore to tune?
Perhaps... We'll see how it goes. =)
Or HKS Thailand :)
If it was an F-Con V Pro, maybe.
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