Saturday, June 30, 2012

Russian BMW Convoy Crash

Convoys can be fun. I mean, meeting up with a bunch of enthusiast and checking each others rides is one thing, but actually seeing them rolling on the road, that's another.

The thing is, people can get carried away sometimes. Even in controlled environments. Take last years Super GT Super Car Gathering for example. I was there when it happened and it's really grey on who to point the finger to blame.

Clips that captured the incident...

Or the Ferrari convoy...

In Russia, this BMW Club took a drive on the city streets of Moscow which ended up in a disaster after a number of cars crashed into each other. Ouch...

Couple of clips.

It really sucks when you're all out to have a good time and shit happens. So be safe peeps. Sometimes we can get carried away and if you think the risks are worth it, well, live with the consequences....


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