Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Avatar, Day 17 = $1+ billion

Last night, I went to catch Avatar again but this time in 3D. Still never failed to impress me. I was however, thrown off a little as some of the scenes I saw in the normal version were not in the 3D one and vice versa. Looks like the censorship was done differently for both version to be screened here. Awesome movie! If you haven't already see it, please go and watch it. Even better if you can catch the 3D one without getting nauseous.

Avatar has now made over $1 billion in worldwide sales making it the third or fourth highest grossing movie of all time. Highest still being Titanic followed by Lord of The Rings: The Return of the King. Avatar may well be in the running to take down Titanic's 1.9 billion record! I guess their $300-$500 million investment paid off.

Now we all know of the animated sex scene in the movie between Jake Sully and Neytiri (it was censored here in Malaysia). As if that wasn't disturbing enough, James Cameron and actress Zoe Saldana implied that there is a longer cut of that scene and it might well end up in the special-edition DVD (and, assumedly, Blu-Ray) release. So now you know. *laughs*

Here are a couple of screenshots from the movie.

Here's a short documentary Pandora.


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